Tuesday, February 19, 2013


I finally pulled myself out of my sickly coma and hit the gym today!

I know, I know, I just posted about how crabby and unenthused I was about going to the gym, but I had to do something. I was sick of letting my cold control my usual schedule so I decided to get back on the bandwagon and do my cardio day at the gym.

I torched nearly 400 calories on the treadmill in about 30 minutes (boosting your incline really helps melt the calories away!), and boy it felt good to have sweat dripping down my body. We'll see if it helped release the icky toxins that are circulating in my body.

As for dinner, I stuck with healthy food - grilled chicken on a wheat bulkie with baby spinach and tomato! And a gatorade for the electrolytes. But, seriously, how delish does this look?

I also finally used the iPod Shuffle my boyfriend got for me for Valentine's Day! It's perfect for working out, as it simply clips to your clothing and voila! It's already filled with some of my favorite gym tunes.

{photo: apple}

Now I'm off to hit the showers and then watch the second, yes second, Bachelor episode of the week! Please tell me there are people as obsessed with this season as I am?

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